Friday, 31 December 2010



We stumbled across these images from Fashin on a cyber stroll around Refinery29. These clever so-and-sos have taken every Vogue cover from 2010 and layered them up over each other to form one composite image. The result is a blurry, hectic, yet somehow rather beautiful look at the year in fashion. We're loving Germany, Italy and UK - which is your favourite?

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Style's HeaRts thIs>>>>>>>

We’ve fallen in love with Gisele Scanlon’s second book, The Goddess Experience! Packed with a 1001 mirco-pleasures that will take you from breakfast to bedtime with a smile, we can’t put it down. Full of sartorial tips and gorgeous illustrations, ours is packed with post it notes that have ‘do this’ and ‘check this out’ scrawled all over them.
With so many inspiring tips on travel, fashion and beauty – from the lovely Gisele herself, and all the designers, celebrities and experts who have let her into their lives – you’re guaranteed to find lots of little experiences that will make you smile.

What we adore about this book is that it makes you remember that the little things in life – from the perfect cup of tea to painting your nails just the right shade – can make you just as happy as the bigger things! Luckily, for Gisele, that includes bonding over shoes with Nicholas Kirkwood, discovering the backstage secrets of fashion heavyweights such as Vivienne Westowood, hunting out the best boutiques in Berlin and so many more exciting things that you should get hold of her book and read it cover to cover.

Monday, 15 February 2010 Invite

Style's Eye has been accepted to Lookbook.Nu and is fully intending to upload pictures to make the stylish salivate......//////

Watch this space.

My URL is:

Back From Dark Times.............

Oh Yea. Style's Eye is back. It's promising to be hot and updated regularly. Having been to hell and back recently, things are beginning to flourish and there is sunlight on the fashion horizon.

Fashion Redundancy has reared it's ugly head and my role as Personal Stylist at Topshop may be no longer but things are on the up and details/tales from my past experiences are to be fully disclosed in forth coming blogette posts. Very Juicy Indeed......